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The emerging cannabis and hemp industries are rife with investment opportunity. We could give you the pitch on how “this is your moment to get in on the ground floor,” however you’ve likely already heard it. There’s enormous potential for the right investor(s) within cannabis and/or hemp, but it’s certainly not an investment for the faint of heart, as there’s a number of obstacles facing both cannabis and hemp, but as we all know, where there’s significant risk, there’s significant reward. As with all emerging industries, an investment in cannabis or hemp is a risk and there are a number of obstacles these industries must overcome. 

There are countless parallels between the cannabis and hemp industries and some of the most profitable industries of today. As an example, if given the opportunity to travel back in time and invest in prohibition-era alcohol, would you? It’s a no brainer. Experiences learned from the era of alcohol prohibition in the U.S., may serve as a valuable guide or “blueprint” for investors looking to capitalize on the emerging U.S. cannabis industry.

Who's Attending? 

  • Canna-Curious Investors (VCs, private family offices and angels)

  • Cannabis and/or Hemp Entrepreneurs seeking capital

  • Seasoned Industry Investors from all over 

At Relentless, we believe we’re at a tipping point within the cannabis industry. There’s a lot of noise on the subject of cannabis legality but money talks. Ignore the chatter because federal cannabis legalization is inevitable. We want to present investors with vetted cannabis and/or hemp investment opportunities, it's high-time we you get onboard at this pivotal tipping point.